Scientist says he found definitive proof that God exists.

Scientist says he found definitive proof that God exists.

The theoretical physicist Michio Kaku says have created a theory that may point to the existence of God. The information has created a stir in the scientific community because Kaku is considered one of the most important scientists of today.
United States | Wednesday, December 4, 2013.

One of the most respected scientists currently said to have found evidence that the action of a force "it governs everything".

The theoretical physicist Michio Kaku says have created a theory that may point to the existence of God. The information has created a stir in the scientific community because Kaku is considered one of the most important scientists of today, one of the creators and developers revolutionary string theory is highly respected around the world.

To reach their conclusions, the physicist made use of a "primitive Tachyon semi-radio" (which are theoretical particles able to "peel" the matter in the universe or vacuum contact with her, thus leaving all the influences of the universe that surrounds them-free), technology created recently in 2005.

Although the technology to reach the true Tachyon particles still is far from being a reality, the semi-radio has some few properties of these theoretical particles, which are able to create the effect of the real Tachyon on a subatomic scale.

According to Michio, live in a "Matrix": "I have come to the conclusion that we are in a world created by rules created by an intelligence, not very different from your favorite computer game, of course, more complex and unthinkable. Analyzing the behavior of matter at the subatomic scale, affected by the semi primitive radio of Tachyon, a tiny point in space, for the first time in history, completely free from any influence of the universe, matter, force or law is perceived in an unprecedented way the absolute chaos. Believe me, all what we call chance today won't make more sense. For me clearly that we are in a plane, rule-governed created and not determined by universal hazards,"said the scientist.

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